State Design/Survey and Scientific Research Institute for engineering and organization of energy construction “Orgenergostroy” was established in execution of the order issued by the Council of Ministers of the USSR No.1688 dated 15 September, 1955. The crucial prerequisite to this step was the necessity of annual commissioning of electrogenerated capacities that could meet the growth of consuming the electric energy in amount of not less than 10 11 mln. kW. Resolving of this and other tasks in hand required that the Institute should develop and implement absolutely new complex methods of organizing construction of energy facilities in the country under conditions of severe post-WWII shortage of material and human resources. From the very foundation the Institute was oriented not only to develop the most progressive methods of executing construction works and other works related to installation of thermal, hydraulic and nuclear power plants, power lines and substations, but also to refine the management and construction economics and also to design an industrial base of energy constructing complex.
One of many services performed by workers of the Institute is the participation in the post-accident cleaning up at Chernobyl NPP. In two weeks after the accident specialists of the Institute Orgenergostroy in the group of designers set to work by results of which all sewer lines in the area were looped back thus prevented the river Pripyat from rainfall runoffs.
The Institute annually rendered technical assistance and support on more than 160 facilities of the energy sector construction. In this way, there were no nuclear, thermal or hydroelectric power plants on the territory of the USSR, where highly trained professionals of the Institute Orgenergostroy would not participate.
Orgenergostroy was directly involved into the preparation of the former Soviet Union energy program, which consisted in planning of development and positioning of production forces in electrical energy industry, creating a master plan of construction complex management, development of analytical materials, construction norms, rules and other normative documents. Besides, during the construction of certain power facilities the Institute prepared construction management and work production plans, including flowcharts that were used as a tool for practical application of foremost achievements of domestic and foreign engineering solutions in energy sector construction.The new direction for the Institute is retrofitting of the organization and construction technology of nuclear power plants that had been started in 1957. The company participated in handling construction works at Beloyarskaya and Novovoronezhskaya nuclear power plants, where technologies of work performance were refined along with complicated engineering decisions. Experimental developments tested while constructing of Zaporozhye NPP were recommended for application in constructing series of nuclear power plants with PWR-1000 reactors.