Sayano-Shushenskaya HPS

Sayano-Shushenskaya HPS

Electrical output: 6400MW


The Neporozhny Sayano-Shushenskaya HPS is the largest, in terms of installed capacity, power station in Russia, the 9th out of those operated HPSs in the world (as of January 2016). It is located on Yenisei River at the boundary between Krasnoyarsk region and Khakassia, near Cheremushky settlement.

The unique 242m-high curved-gravity dam of the station is the highest dam in Russia and one of the highest ones in the world.

Construction of Sayano-Shushenskaya HPS was started in 1963 was formally finalized in 2000 only. In course of HPS construction and operation some problems related to destruction of spillway structures and cracking in dam occurred. The problems were successfully solved. On August 17, 2009 at the station the largest in the Russian power engineering accident resulted in loss of 75 men occurred. Station recovery was finalized on November 12, 2014.

In course of construction of the object the scientists and engineers of Institute Orgenergostroy” solved the issues of optimum loading of cranes and of in-block mechanization using self-lifting hipped fences with hydraulic driven supports equipped with auxiliary equipment and air-heaters. Owing to application of said innovations the labor expenditures per one cubic meter of placed concrete made 0.18men – day.m3.

Photo source: Wikimedia Commons



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